The National Museum of Art, Osaka

HOME Exhibitions Past Exhibitions Collection 2: Our Life

Collection 2: Our Life

February 8–May 22, 2022

Collection 2: Our Life

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In the spring of 2020, our lives were drastically altered by an unknown infectious disease. Even today, the world remains in a chaotic state, and many people’s lives are fraught with anxiety. This has caused us to look more closely at our bodies, and to literally consider the wonder and joy of life on a daily basis.

Life and death, one of the fundamental human themes, has also continued to be an important theme in art. This edition of the collection exhibition, titled Our Life, consists of approximately 110 items, including a number of new acquisitions. Here, we introduce a group of specially selected works that deal with a variety of themes related to life, such as birth, maturity, old age, and death, as well as issues that underlie all of these themes, such as time, memory, forgetting, and the humor and sorrow of living.

Liuming MA, Sakurako HAMAGUCHI, Sunny KIM, Tadasuke IWANAGA, Kyoko MURASE, Tomoko YONEDA, O JUN, Laurie Toby EDISON, Christian BOLTANSKI, Susumu KINOSHITA, Katsuo TACHI, Michael HEIZER, Saburo MURAOKA, Sojung JUN, Kiki SMITH, Michio FUKUOKA, Ushio SHINOHARA, SHIMABUKU, Yoshihiro SUDA, Henry MOORE, Jiro TAKAMATSU, Mark Manders, Robert Gober


※Marino Marini Dancer, one of the permanent installation, is not on display.

February 8–May 22, 2022
Opening Hours
10:00-17:00 (10:00-20:00 on Fridays and Saturdays) *Last entry 30 minutes before closing.
Mondays (except Mar. 21 and May 2) and Mar. 22.
  • Organized by The National Museum of Art, Osaka
  • Sponsored by Daikin Foundation for Contemporary Arts

Adults: 430 (220) yen / University students: 130 (70) yen.
・( ) admission for groups of more than 20 people.
・Admission free for visitors under 18 and those 65 and over, and visitors with disabilities and one attendant (proof required).
・Tickets for the “Range of the Senses: What It Means to “Experience” Today” also include admission to this exhibition.
Night discount (applicable after 17:00 on Fri. and Sat.)
Adults: 250 yen / University students: 70 yen.
Free admission days: Feb. 12, Mar. 5, Apr. 2, May 7, May 18, 2022.

  • Organized by The National Museum of Art, Osaka
  • Sponsored by Daikin Foundation for Contemporary Arts