
October 13 (Sat.)– December 24 (Mon.Holiday), 2012

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The National Museum of Art, Osaka primarily collects works of Japanese and Western art dating from 1945 to the present, some which are related to specific trends. In this exhibition, we introduce a group of works from our collection, centering on recent acquiaitions.

  • Organizers: The National Museum of Art, Osaka
  • Sponsored by: Daikin Foundation for Contemporary Arts


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Katsuro YOSHIDA, Cut-off No.2, 1969/1990
The National Museum of Art, Osaka


Opening Hours

10:00–17:00, Fridays until 19:00
Admission until 30 minutes before closing


(Except for December 24(Mon.,Holiday))

Admission Fee

Adults : 420 Yen (210 Yen)
University students : 130 Yen (70 Yen)

  • * Including "Miyanaga Aiko: Nakasora - The Reason for Eternity "
  • * ( ) Figures in parentheses indicate discount fees for groups of 20 or more
  • * Children (up to High school students), disabled people with one attendant: Free
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